A Kitchen Notebook
On the Irregular with Java Bere
Conversation with Jenny Oakenfull - Baker and Co-Owner of Longbois Bakehouse

Conversation with Jenny Oakenfull - Baker and Co-Owner of Longbois Bakehouse

This week I'm talking to Jenny Oakenfull, baker and co-owner of Longboi's Bakehouse in South Manchester.

Originally from York, Jenny left school with an armful of A grades and very little idea of what she wanted to do.

Because her academic learning skills were strong, she was encouraged to pursue the academic route and applied to do Geography at uni.

Nearly fifteen years later, via several other cafes, bakeries and patisseries, Jenny has now co-opened a bakery and patisserie in South Manchester.

On the corner of a quiet street lined with red brick houses, you will find a refuge for your sweet tooth, filled with cakes and pastries worthy of Marie Antoinette. If you’re lucky, it won’t be raining when you join the queue winding out the door.

Join us to find out how Jenny got here, what it was like opening a food business amidst a apndemic and why she loves the food and hospitality business quite so much.

Welcome to episode twelve with baker extraordinaire, Jenny Oakenfull.

Website:  longboisbakehouse.com

Instagram: @longboisbakes and @jenny_oak

Show notes:

Unicorn Grocery

Pollen Bakery

Idle Hands

Siop Shop

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